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Norwich Therapies for Health - Jane Sheehan Reflexology, Fertility & Pregnancy Reflexology,
Shiatsu & Taichi Qigong
for Norwich and Norfolk

Imagine a beauty routine that feeds your skin with the most nutritious natural ingredients, protects the planet,and supports global good causes. Wouldn't that be extraordinary? Actually, it would be TROPIC.

Sustainably sourcing vibrant botanicals from tropical regions, TROPIC fuses wild inspiration from cutting-edge science to create clinically tested recipes that deliver real, visible results. Freshly making formulations daily, Tropic is reshaping the industry with multi-award- winning ethical and effective products.

Women only treatments available using TROPIC products:

Facial 30 minutes £35

Facial with hand or foot massage 45 minutes £45

Facial with hand or foot massage 60 minutes £55

Reflexology plus facial 90 minutes £85

Hydrating hydroogel mask available with any facial £10

Full body exfoliation and moisturise £45


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